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Joan of Arc

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Joan of Arc had fought many battles to help the King of France regain the territory which was slowly being taken over by the English with the help of the Duke of Burgundy. Her contribution to France was overlooked, and the French did nothing to save the innocent, seventeen year old girl from the fires that would later vaporize her skin. On May 30, 1431, Joan of Arc was sentenced to death by burning. St. Peter, the first Pope, died as martyrdom around the time of the reign of Nero. He was crucified upside down upon his own request. He spread the word of God to all people; therefore, he suffered the consequences. Who gave these people and many others the courage to withstand hardships with such fortitude? The answer lies inside the heart of Jesus. Jesus took the sins of the world upon his pure, mighty back, and died for people so they can have eternal life. The forty days that antecedent Easter are suppose to give one the opportunity to conquer ones weaknesses. Have you used this time to correct your weaknesses? Are you a spiritually changed person? Do you have the strength of martyrs to stand up for the truth?

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REKLAMA: Artykuł wyświetli się za 15 sekund



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